Royalty Free Music

 Todays blog is about music. We waited to do music until we were finished with all the scenes because we thought it made more sense that way. We knew from the very beginning  we would have scary and suspenseful music. We figured we wouldn't need any famous artist song so we didn't email anyone. Thankfully we were right. We all went to parkers house after school so we could finish this up. Parker and I looked up "royalty free music" at first i thought it was an actual website until i realized there are so many different websites and the music that we use is royalty free. We found this website called "" this gave us the option to search up genre or mood of music we wanted to use. I typed in "scary suspense." There were so many options to choose from so I played them all and we listened for one we thought would fit. We ended up using three songs. The first one is for the title sequence. This song is called "drone" and it sounds spatial and eerie. we like this because you can see Naomi cleaning up the blood and texting her next "victim." The second song we used it called "cinematic atmosphere" we mostly used this so it wouldn't sound weird when the first song stopped. It sounds pretty calm and spiritual. The last song isn't from the website it is from youtube. We wanted a much more speedy scary sound and we couldn't find it on so we search up "royalty free suspense music" on youtube. We knew right away we wanted the one we chose. The music makes it sounds so much better and i really like the outcome.


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