Figuring out how to edit

 Today  was editing day. I said before in the other blog that mila wasn't able to come to second day of filming and that was when we filmed the majority of it. Not wanting her to feel left out, she took the editing job. It was pretty simple since the videos ended and started with something that was able to cut smoothly without it looking choppy. Mila used imovie to edit the videos. We had some conflict on what we were going to use as the sound. It was split even between Nicole and Violet and me and Mila. we ended up going with the one mila and i wanted to use since mila is the one editing. I really really like the finished product. The item we used was simple enough to make a cute commercial from and i think we did a great job.

Top 10 Video Editing Tools for Small Business | Blog | Online Digital  Marketing Courses


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