Planning our video

 Props: In our research, we discovered that in most of Tyler the Creator's videos, he incorporates props. A common prop was a phone. We will use this in our music video. A car will be one of our props, also, an alarm clock, a dog, a leash, and maybe utensils and plates/cups. 

Costumes: The main character who the story follows will be dressed in things like hoodies, sweatpants, clothes that give off sad emotions. The girl he sees at the end will be dressed in pajamas, and when she reveals the man next to her, he will also be in pajamas. Throughout the video, characters other than the main one will be in preppy, happy clothes. 

Schedule: 11/18/2021 we will do our story board

                  11/21/2021 we will begin our filming

                  11/28/2021 we will continue filming

                  12/5/2021 we will edit our clips 

This schedule is flexible and allows makeup time incase last minute changes are needed

Location list: Our locations include my and Nicole's house for the scenes inside, and when he knocks on the door. This allows us to have the props ready at the houses. 

Other locations include sidewalks of busy streets, a park, the shower. These scenes will all be almost a montage of our main character being sad, rethinking decisions, etc. 

Backup Plan: A problem that could surface would be if out actor of out main character cannot play the role for some reason. In this case, we would have a classmate play the role. If one group member is not here that is supposed to be in a scene, we will just replace them for that scene. Our locations should work out because they are mainly at our houses, but if not, we will use Dara or Mila's house. If we cannot use the park or busy street due to weather or anything else, we will change locations to an indoor area, perhaps a grocery store. 

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