“Time For Dinner” the short film portrays imagination through a young child's eyes. Toys may just look like plastic things with no life to them to us now, but we did not always think that way. Adults once too would sit for hours at a time playing with those ‘plastic things’. Somehow, our brain was able to create a whole new world with characters we created, and sometimes we would forget the real world for a second. It seems as though no one truly recognizes or appreciates imagination, and that is exactly what I wanted to show with this short film. My movie represents children's imagination and how things children see in everyday life can affect their mind. Society has become a scary world to live in and sometimes it is hard to shield the young generation from it. A parent could innocently be watching the news and a storyline of a dangerous crime can come on while their child is near. This new concept of crimes like theft, killing, and other things can cause a child to thi...
There are many things that make a genre clear to what it is. For example, the genre Thriller has usually always has these factors to it. camera angles: -High angle/ Birds view: This is used in thriller to give the effect that whatever is being looked down upon looks vulnerable or powerless compared to what is behind the camera. -close ups: This angle allows the camera to give a clear view of the characters emotions to the event happening . -Tilted angle: This adds tension to the scene at hand and sometimes signifying a supernatural occurrence. This also makes the audience feel like the character as they look up at the subject. -over the shoulder: This angle is often used to show something standing behind the character and usually used in front of mirrors so the audience can have a view of everything. costumes -Dresses; this can create a sense of purity and femininity to the c...
CAMS: There is no music video for our song choice, Are we still friends by Tyler The Creator, so we looked at his othe songs to do our research. We noticed a lot of usage of tracking shots. A character would be seen traveling from place to place. Also, the camera would pan across the landscape to show establishing shots a lot. There are also a lot of close ups and POV shots. CLAMPS: The costumes are regular attire for the most part, nothing exactly special. Lighting depends on the scene, but a lot of his videos have an outside setting . As far as acting, we can see real emotion in all of the actors' facial expressions. The music is obviously the song in the background. Props used a lot were phones, food, and cars. The setting was generally outside, with a lot of nature, or inside with low depressing lighting because most of his songs are on the sad side. SOUND: The sound is the song in the background, there are a decent amount of beat drops in Tyler The Creator'...
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