Filming begings

     We arrived at our first problem. there was no time or date that everyone could all come together to film. There was one good thing though. While coming up with the music video idea, we thought we should use Violets brother since we needed a boy. So, since we are using violets brother as the main character, we figured it would be easier if she could film while they were at home. We all have pretty busy schedules with extra curricular’s so we had to comprise and we all came to an understanding that we won’t all be able to be there all the time. This doesn’t mean we didn’t all help though. Violet face timed to show us the positioning and ask about the story board. And she sent us the videos she recorded so we could make sure they were good. Some times she didn't know how to get the angle so we would talk it over on the phone. Also if she needed help ending the. video so there could be a transition we would show her how to do it over the phone. At first I was a little scared of how it would turn. I was also a little sad I couldn't be there myself.  I’m very proud of how violet did it. I’m excited to film the rest. 


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