Filming together

    Today we filmed the scenes where the boy and the girl are hanging out and the part where they boy knocks on her door. Like I said previously, all my group members have busy schedules. luckily, Violet, her brother and I all do soccer for the school so we met up at my place afterward. right off the bat we started filming. We started with the "long ago" part which are the flash back scenes. This scene was 7 seconds so we split it up into 3 and 4. for 3 seconds Violets brother, Cole and I were walking/skipping on the sidewalk arms interlocked. for 4 seconds we were supposed to be talking but i noticed Cole stepped in dog poo so i accidentally started laughing and thats what we decided to use. The next scene we had to film was when Cole Knocks on my door and says the lyrics. for a costume change i let him borrow my hoodie and i used one of my own. We had to figure out how the song cut and that took a little while but then once we figured it out we had to re film the door scene like 3 times because I kept laughing. After that was just a text message scene and we face timed nicole on Violets phone while Violet filmed using my phone and Cole texted the lines "are we still friends". last was filming cole getting out of his car but we forgot the sweater in my apartment so i had to run back and get it. we finished all the filming today so last thing to do is edit.


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