Introducing me!

     My name is Dara Sedaka. I am 15, turning 16 in April and a sophomore in high-school. I will start off with my family and households. I have one sister who I get a long with well, she is in college now so I don't get to see her much but we communicate a lot. I have a mom, a dad, a step mom, and a step dad. My parents got divorced when i was 3 so I've known my step parents my whole life and I love them dearly. A house is boring without pets so I have 5! one dog with my dad, two dogs with my mom and two cats with my mom. Moving onto myself, Im not quite sure what I want to be when I'm older. Ever since i was little i had dreams of being a veternarian but not anymore. Then a few years ago I wanted to go into the film industry but i realized its a lot harder to make it in that industry than it sounds. The only thing that I know about my future is that I am so excited for college, moving out of Florida, and will try my best to be as successful as I can. I have dreams of moving to New York or Washington DC. I would even like to do graduate school in NYC if I could. In terms of present tense, I push myself to be the best i can so i can have access to many opportunities when i'm older.

Graduation Advice: 6 Things to Know About Life After College Graduation |  Real Simple


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