My group!

     For this exciting media project i have switched up my group members. The two new members of my group are parker and siena. I worked very well with violet for the last projects so we decided we should work again together. parker and siena had troubles with their past group as did violet and I so we think it would be a good fit for us. Violets role in this project will be filming and acting. She showed her skills with the music video with filming and since this is a bigger project, we will need her good acting skills she got from being in theater. Since we are using violet as an actor as well, parker will be filming most of the movie. Parker is a very clever person and can figure out the type of angles we will need to be successful in making this film. Siena is a very creative person so she will be helping on the creative side, obviously. This will be with the poster, the title, editing, and anything else we might need her creative eye in. My role will be acting and editing. for the other projects, I had claimed filming but was forced to step up and act which I ended up liking. Im very good with editing apps like iMovie so Siena and I will be working together to finalize the film. These three people are very academically minded and will do their best to get a good grade and put in their help. Im excited to film this with such cool people.


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