Title Design Research: Thriller

 We are researching the movie Here Before (2021) using the website www.artofthetitle.com

How Many Titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which Ones?

There are 19 titles shown in this sequence. They include the originality, the production company, the main actors' names, the producers' names,  the executive producers' names, the creator, the writer, the author's name who's book it was based off of, the director's name, and the title. 

What connotations do the images carry?

The images give the feeling of mystery, a sort of haunting sense is being created. The combination of the stark text over dark images and odd angles creates the feel intended for thrillers. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?

You can tell what genre this movie is from this title sequence due to the tone and mood it creates around it. The images and bland yet almost eerie scenic design contribute to the portrayal of a cinematic thriller. 

What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience 

This title sequence includes common conventions of thriller genre such as the lighting to entice its target audience. The dark, mysterious lighting grabs the attention of viewers, and makes them curious what it will be about, making them not want to stop watching. Also, many birds eye views were used as a camera angle which creates an odd, surreal feeling common in thrillers, and appealing to viewers. 


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