Filming Our Movie

     Not much was done so far with filming. Me and my team members all met over the weekend to film. Since the setting is in a city, My house is the closest to buildings and basically right in the middle of the city. We wanted to film the parts where the two girls are sitting at a table and then start walking. The weather was a bit windy so it was hard to hear the conversation the actors were supposed to have. The actors had to speak a lot louder than they would have preferred but it was the only way they would've been heard through the wind. There were also a lot of people walking on the sidewalk. since it was filmed in a busy city and its college spring break, there were more people than anticipated. The camera crew had to be careful while walking backwards for certain scenes. If the place we wanted to film got to busy we would have to move locations. This kind of upset us. Since we had to move to a less busy street with less buildings it didn't look much like our storyboard. The good thing was that we didn't need the buildings in the background. It still looked like the actors were
in a city. the background noise was also a lot better as well. After we were done filming the city scene we looked over them to make sure they were how we wanted them. we had to re-film a few scenes but after that we moved to the next scene. The next scene was entering the apartment. We didn't film inside the apartment yet just when they open the door. Something we have to take into account for next filming day is wearing the same outfits. this is because the next scenes are in the same day.


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