Changes from film review

 After sending our film to coach Jamie, she gave us feedback. like i previously said in the blog a few days ago she suggested we change the lighting. The scenes she was referring to in particular were the inside on the coach scenes. When we did it originally it was getting dark out so it made sense she thought it was too dark. Re-filming this wasn't an issue since we already knew what to do. We met filmed on Tuesday. Since parker can drive, we all went to my house after school and she took us. We already had the news video filmed so we didn't have to worry about that. We set up my phone to my tv so we could play the news scene. I made sure all the lights were on and the blinds were open. Violet was behind the phone so she made sure the lighting was good. Once we were certain it looked better than before we started filming. We kept going from the storyboard to script to filming so we wouldn't have to film again and everything was right. We had to re-film the scene where Naomi says "I guess you ever know, who you can trust these days" a few times. Not because of the lighting. Not because of the sound. But because we couldn't stop laughing so much. This really shows how fun we have all been having. Other than that, This was filmed fast and efficiently because they had to leave at around 6. Its so close to being finished. Only thing thats left is finishing touches for editing.


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