Comparing 9 the short and 9 the full movie

 The setting of the short film is very dark. We noticed rather quickly that the genre seemed to not fit that of a children's film. The entire film was generally a thriller. There were multiple jump scares. There was lots of dark imagery and eerie settings. The plot of the film was short obviously, but to the point. It follows 9 as he retrieves the device to bring back his friends and evades the robot monster. There is no character development, which does not seem like that would even work for a short film. However, character traits are brought out a lot. Sound is a big part of this film, with tiny noises exemplified a lot. The full length film is different. For one, it contains lots of dialogue which is not there in the short. It also seems to not be exactly a thriller, but more of an adventure story. It follows the heroics of the characters rather than harping on disturbing or dark imagery. The music plays a big role in the story, but sound not as much. It is still there, just not as concentrated and as effective as the short film. Character development is there, showing how 9 realizes and accepts his role as the hero of his own story. It also shows the progression in other characters. We enjoyed the short much better. We enjoyed the eerie sound effects and dark setting, and it captured the meaning and intent of the story without trying too hard. The full film seemed to lose some meaning in translation to a longer movie, and including dialogue was not a good choice in our opinion. Even subtitled sign language would've been better in our opinion to keep the aspect of silence and desolation alive.

9 (2009 animated film) - Wikipedia


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