Comparing Le Jetee, the short, and 12 Monkeys, the full-length movie

 Part 1 

We've seen how they have successfully transferred the original to a remake. It is interesting how they take the exact same ideas of the remake. They just broaden upon them. The language barrier is solved through translation. The original simply had a slideshow of sorts accompanied with a narration. This alone carried the story and plot. For the film remake, they used this to create real scenes. The editing was spectacular. We can definitely can certainly take a lot from the editing used. The confusion created through time jumping and unique editing with reverse shots and cross fades is something we can use in our film.

Part 2

Reading about the differences between the films put it into perspective. The usage of memory in the original is fascinating. The plot surprise that this creates is masterful. The wide pans and editing of the remake help bring this eeriness to life too. The remake had many top actors. Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt to name them. The director's vision seems to take over the film, with the adaptation incredible. By changing a few key plot details and adding much on, they make the film their own. They still pay homage to the original for the inspiration. The plot surprises of both films are something we intend to incorporate in our film. 12 Monkeys (1995) - IMDb


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