Short film research: Leftovers

  Music is important in this film. From the beginning we noticed the nice classical music to accompany the thematic camera shots. It accompanies the film for nearly the entire duration. The music picks up at appropriate times and settles at others. The main character owns his restaurant trying to bring customers in during a pandemic. It addresses the lives of immigrants in America. It covers the expectations saddled upon immigrant children. It also discusses the prejudices that minorities deal with in America. It covers the current events that influence these. The lighting and camera work is very effective. The action matches and eyeline shots are frequent and exciting. The lighting is very dark to fit the gloomy mood of the piece. But all the characters are fully illuminated to keep the film character driven. This film is very interesting and thought provoking. The statistic about half of Chinese restaurants closing during covid is very sad. It is disheartening. This film is perfect to highlight that. It personalizes a real character who is effected. It shows the tribulation situations like this cause. It shows the racial prejudice alive in America and how stopping it would be beneficial to society. These are all aspects of its genre which we like. How to Write a Short Film: Step-by-Step Guide - 2022 - MasterClass


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