Short film research: Lugar Algum

 This film was very enjoyable. It observes the theme of home in a sense. It touches on coping with the loss of a lifestyle and home. He loves his home and accepts that he must move on. The plot is about Nego, the main character, who lives and works on a farm. He is told that the farm is being sold. He has to cope with his home being taken out from under him. But also, he has grown to love his work on the farm. This is a significant loss to him. The film comes full circle with him bathing in the water near the farm. This symbolizes his acceptance. He understands he must move on. The camera work is interesting. It mainly cycles between handheld and far-shot still frame for long periods of time. The lighting is interesting too. The characters are kept very illuminated, even in the night. It fits the genre's character focused theme. Much of the story focuses on the setting too, showing the beautiful surroundings and highlighting the peaceful noises of nature. Music plays a roll too, with instrumental tunes exemplifying the mood of every scene. In all we enjoyed this film.


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