Short Film Research: Miss World

 The film follows the main character who just returned from studying away from home to meet with her father before he goes to prison. Her day is filled with loads of inconveniences and negatives. She wakes up  ravaged by the ocean. She recovers from a night of drugs and drinks. She picks up a cake that is too big. Her boyfriend acts weird on the phone. She drops the cake all in her car. Her conversation with her father turns sour as she questions his reluctance to appeal his court decision. Eventually she goes partying and gets high and wasted. She discovers a camera in a room of a man she almost sleeps with. All of this leads her to question her life and have a more meaningful conversation with her father the following day. He confronts her on her recent behavior and she truly has a change in ideals in that split second. Her bond with her father is drawn tighter and she will wait for him until he gets out of prison. This film was very good. The close up camera work was very interesting with shots like close ups and medium close ups. It brings to life finer details that may have been missed otherwise. The vibrant lighting accompanies the vibrant music used in non-diegetic sound.. Both of these goes with the ecstatic and energetic, but negative lifestyle she's been leading. Towards the end it calms down a bit. This signifies the change in her persona as she calms down herself. This switch is a genre aspect that is appealing to us as a group. Miss World (Short 2017) - IMDb


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