Production: Change of plans

 Last week, my group and i planned on filming Friday at addison’s house and have a sleepover so we could film Saturday too. That plan did not work. Violet and i had plans for our friends birthday therefore we were unable to film on that day. We also felt bad making addison and mila do it on their own especially since they would need someone to film. Although we realized we were unable to film Friday, our members were really supportive about it. I was worried addison and mila would be mad but they were fine. We really do need to film however so we talked about a day to film. The SAT is this upcoming week and we all need to study for it. We might need to film on a weekday or maybe just one day this weekend. We will probably film Thursday after school or next weekend. It is very hard to find time to film with our school schedule and upcoming tests. We are all juniors so we understand the struggles of finding time. Since we need to film asap, it might be best to find time this weekend. Even if its is just one day. In the meantime we can do other things. We still need to find the music we are going to use. We also want to shop for some Barbie looking clothes. With addison and mila being so chill about having o switch dates it made me happy to be in this group. I hope we do not run into anymore miss communications with scheduling. 


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