
Scene 1: The first five seconds will show clouds going down with "...Presents" and "...Production Company." Scene 2: The next scene is a tracking shot of a very vibrant neighborhood with the actors' names. Scene 3: The camera gets closer to a house and shows the film's name. Scene 4: The camera goes into the house slowly. Scene 5: The camera continues throughout the house that looks very put together. Scene 6: The kitchen is a little messy-looking and says "The Music by..." Scene 7: Two girls are shown talking muted as the "Directed by.." is displayed. They are stiff. Scene 8: Sara grabs a chair and sits as she says her first line stiffly. Scene 9: This is a close-up shot of Lynn and she says her first line very smiley. She has a lot of makeup on. Scene 10: The camera turns to Sara as she says her next line wearing a lot of makeup. Scene 11: The camera watches closely as Sara gets out of her chair stiffly and asks Lynn if she wants food. Scene 12: Lynn's face turns in a fast motion and says her next line. Scene 13: This is an over-the-shoulder shot of Lynn sitting down and Sara says she has cake. Scene 14: Very charismatically Lynn gasps and says yes. Scene 15: This is just half of Sara's face as she smiles and says she will get it. Scene 16: This is a tracking shot of Sara as she stiffly walks to the kitchen. Scene 17: The camera is still and watches Sara get the cake from the fridge. Scene 18: Sara cuts the cake and places it on the counter. Scene 19: Lynn gets up from the table and walks over to the counter. Scene 20: This is an over-the-shoulder of Sara asking Lynn if she wants a drink. Scene 21: The over-the-shoulder shot moves to Lynn asking for lemonade. Scene 22: This is a very close-up shot of Sara saying "Of course, you can." Scene 23: The camera moves along with Sara as she turns making a spinning illusion as she heads to the fridge. Scene 24: Sara swings open the fridge and gets the lemonade. Scene 25: Sara places the lemonade and a cup on the counter. Scene 26: This is a close-up shot of Sara pulling a vial out of her pocket which is poison. Scene 27: Sara pours the poison in the lemonade and grins slyly. Scene 28: Sara walks back to the counter with the cup in hand. Scene 29: Lynn picks up the fork and eats the cake before taking a sip and pauses. Scene 30: Lynn looks at the cup and asks if it has pulp. Scene 31: Sara turns her head and rolls her eyes and says her line. Scene 32: Lynn puts down her cup and says she's not thirsty. Scene 33: Over-the-shoulder shot of Sara saying let's do something. Scene 34: The camera stays like this until the line "Rated-R" Scene 35: The camera cuts to the T.V. room of both the girls sitting on the couch. Scene 36: Sara says her next line and so does Lynn. The camera follows Lynn's hand as she picks up the remote. Scene 37: Sara gets up and tells Lynn she will be right back. She is getting snacks while Lynn still searches for a movie. Scene 38: Lynn tells Sara to bring popcorn and Sara smirks in a mischievous way and says "Of course." Scene 39: The camera follows Sara as she gets the popcorn. Scene 40: The camera is a bird's eye view of her making the popcorn. It looks suspicious. Scene 41: The camera cuts to Lynn watching the scary movie. Scene 42: This shot looks kind of distorted because it's in a 0.5 lens and it's of Sara holding the popcorn walking down the hall. Scene 43: Sara enters the T.V. room and stares at Lynn for a few seconds. Scene 44: Sara taps Lynn on the shoulder and Lynn jumps. Scene 45: Lynn says her line wearily and Sara hands her the popcorn. Scene 46: Sara stands behind Lynn with a rope saying her line. Scene 47: Lynn says the popcorn looks salty and asks for water. They never eat the food. Scene 48:Sara leaves nastily saying her line. Scene 49: Sara hands Lynn the water and sits on the couch. Scene 50:The camera shows Lynn putting the water on the table and saying her line. Scene 51: Sara eyes the water and says she just really wants to watch the movie. Scene 52: Lynn gets up saying she needs to go to the restroom. Scene 53: The girls are getting ready for bed. Scene 54: The camera is directly above the girls as they say "Goodnight." Scene 55: Sara gets up to turn off the light. Scene 56: Over-the-shoulder shot of Sara getting a knife from a drawer. Scene 57: Sara raises the knife as she walks to the bed and says "Finally." Scene 58: Just as Sara is lowering the knife, an exterior voice says "It's time for dinner!" Scene 59: View of a girl holding the two dolls and drops them as she gets up. Scene 60: Bird's eye view of the dolls, popcorn, cake, lemonade, and knife. Keeps getting higher.


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